Frank Sullivan, PR for Stirling University's Innovation Park, has just issued the following press release about my upcoming exhibition.
" The first art exhibition in the UK to feature works created on a mobile phone will staged at Stirling University Innovation Park.
The 21st century medium has been used by digital artist and writer Ann Shaw as a means of expressing her artistic vision.
A former journalist and graduate of the Glasgow School of Art Ann downloaded software to her iPhone that allowed her to develop her innovative style of art.
( Caption: "Dancer" created on IPhone "Brushes" app on train to Edinburgh)
A self confessed computer buff she has embraced the technology of the cyber world in the pursuit of art.
Ann, who spent more than 20 years as a staff writer for The Herald in Glasgow, has more that 60 short films on Youtube and can be found on Face Book and Twitter.
She is also a ‘blogger’ with her online Diary of Artist only a click away at www.annshaw.net.
Her first solo exhibition entitled The Journey will run at Scion House on Stirling University Innovation Park from February 8 till March 14.
It will include 30 of her colourful iPhone creations one of which ‘The Dancer’ was produced in four minutes as she travelled on the train to Edinburgh!

Ann has firm views on the perception and accessibility of art: “Art is so elitist and it shouldn’t be. What I like about this technology is that it frees it up and breaks down the barriers because it’s accessible, it’s cheap and it’s fun. You don’t have to be in a studio. It’s art on the go.”
“I’m delighted to be staging my first solo exhibition in such an innovative setting and being part of a project that supports local artists.”
The Journey Exhibition is part of an initiative called Art on the Park introduced to encourage local artists, giving them an opportunity to showcase their work.
The highly successful project was established four years ago as part of the Innovation Park’s outreach to the local community.
Lynn Blaikie the Innovation Park’s Operations and Business Development Manager, said:”Art and Innovation have gone hand in hand from time immemorial. It’s very fitting therefore that Ann’s innovative creative style using the most modern mobile communication technology should be staged here on the Innovation Park. I hope it will attract great interest, not only because it’s the first exhibition of its kind, but because it showcases a new art form that is accessible to everyone.”

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