Twice I have been into virtual reality – once at the University of Illinois,Chicsago and again at the Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. Both occasion were startling to say the least.
So I was particularly interested to see this exhibition in Liverpool where virtual technology and reality meet.
Check out: Virtual reality
Where Virtual Technology And Reality Intersect
(Ipad image-Ann Shaw)
Salads are not just for eating.
Check out this performance piece:
Title: Salad As Performance Art (This Is Not Metaphorical)
Conductors have a reputation of going on for ever- or until they fall off their perch.
In this case literally when 84 year old conductor Kurt Masur fell off the podium while conducting a concert in Paris.
Check out: the fall from podium
Conductor Kurt Masur Falls Off Podium In Paris During Concert
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