Saturday, October 13, 2012

Keep Dancing

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Our Keep Dancing group at the macrobert arts centre, Stirling, challenging stereotyped images of older people.

Our dance group Keep Dancing, run by the macrobert, has grown legs. Literally. A group of us have formed a tap dancing class. See video of Anne Aiken who leads our group.

This month see the launch of Luminate
 the first festival on ageing in Scotland.

Stirling contribution is a new theatre performance by dance artist Natasha Gilmore, Ultra Violet, an intergenerational event that will be premiered at the end of the month.

Unfortunately I had to pull out because of
other commitments  but it looks like a very exciting project.

Meanwhile I have just finished – oh what a relief! - another book on Wales.

So I am going to have a welcome break from writing and I have resumed my visual artwork again.

After all, I do have a solo exhibition coming up early next year…time to get back to the drawing –board, or in my case Ipad.